Tuesday, December 14, 2010

2.3 Short update

Drilled the holes for the fans, also did a rough move of the stuff into the rack. Now figuring out what wires I'll need.
The amp sticks out a bit, I could sit it on its side but that would be too ghetto and not good for it. I'll see what i can do...looking at a new amp any way but that would have to hold hdmi so even more room will be needed at the back :(
Front view: tv will soon be on the wall with the wires running down the wall not sure about the speakers, maybe some cheap mounts. Next phase for this wall will be the in wall wiring.
 Amp is on its side, my darn Set A front left speaker output is out (btw i love troubleshooting yee, got a story for the fellas. annywhooo..) I'll need a new amp just to run all the speakers and hdmi and the set of B speakers that will be in the bedroom. (4 more)
 you can see the wire routing channel. also this is all rough work, you are seeing the inside of the actual wall. MORE TO COME.

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